I AM ...
I am a qualified designer and developer
I am a qualified designer and developer with 10 years experience in the web design & development
industry in New Zealand and overseas. I am formally qualified with Masters and
Bachelor degrees in Design Innovation from Victoria University in Wellington.
I possess a wide range of skills and enjoy working in most areas of design including
video post production, game development and 3D modelling. I have a keen interest in
web and mobile design & development. In particular, the improvement of the user’s
experience within web and mobile applications. Recently, I have been working on the development of popular content management systems to improve the user experience. The objective being to allow less tech-savvy users to achieve complex tasks with little computer knowledge.
I have an entrepreneurial attitude that was fostered initially in the private sector. I have the ability to work with smaller and larger structured multidisciplinary teams. I pride myself on being a talented trouble-shooter and team player.